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A Culture of Experimentation: Training and Development

Cultivating a Culture of Experimentation in a CRM or Analytical CoE


1.   Experimentation and Experimental Design


Training in experimentation and experimental design is a foundational step for teams within a CRM or Analytical Center of Excellence (CoE). This is typically approached through a blend of classroom and online sessions and content. The training should encompass:


  • Formulating Clear and Testable Hypotheses: Understanding how to construct hypotheses that can be rigorously tested and validated.
  • The Importance of Control Groups: Emphasizing their role in providing reliable comparisons and the effectiveness of a campaign.
  • Mitigating Confounding Effects: Teaching how to avoid introducing too many variables at once, which can obscure the factors responsible for the outcomes.
  • Randomization: When and how to use A/B testing to ensure unbiased results and why A/B testing doesn’t always mean a 50/50 split.
  • Understanding Statistical Significance: Explaining its meaning and its importance in interpreting test results.
  • Continuous Testing and Learning: Instilling the notion that experimentation is an ongoing and iterative process, not a one-time event.


For a practical and relatable learning experience, start with real-life, relatable examples before transitioning to work-specific scenarios. Regularly scheduled sessions will ensure that all team members share a common understanding and remain aligned with the CoE’s methodologies.


2.   Developing a Culture of Experimentation


Fostering a culture of experimentation requires ongoing nurturing and mentorship that extends beyond the traditional training environment. This culture should be anchored in three core principles:


  • Embrace Failure as a Steppingstone: Shift the mindset to view unsuccessful tests not as failures but as invaluable learning opportunities. A company culture that punishes error can inhibit the transition to performance-based marketing. Instead, cultivate an attitude that values insight from every outcome.
  • Democratize Experimentation: Open the doors of experimentation to all team members, not just data analysts or strategists. By involving everyone in the ideation and learning processes for tests, you not only broaden the scope of your experiments but also build a stronger sense of team ownership and engagement.
  • Ritualize Sharing and Learning: Establish regular forums where experiment outcomes, both successful and otherwise, are shared. This transparency helps in disseminating knowledge throughout the team and reinforces the value of each experiment, further embedding a culture of experimentation and learning.


Developing a culture of experimentation is critical for your team’s ability to innovate and drive performance marketing forward. Encourage curiosity, support collaborative learning, and celebrate forward progress of your CoE.

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