Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut


With eroding sales and defecting customers, Pizza Hut needed to stem attrition of its "Best Customer Base".


Created the VIP Loyalty Program

Strategy development, rewards structure strategy and testing, market testing/research, launch planning, launch to corporate and franchisee stores, national consumer launch, created and executed all communications, hosted databases and all store register interfaces, audit processes, financial management, controls and reporting.


  • VIP Loyalty Program National Launch
  • First loyalty program in the pizza industry. Copied by Dominos and Papa John's three years following national launch.
  • Grew Best Customer base by 300%
  • The VIP Program increased incremental orders by 93% over a matched control
  • 65% Increase in spending with Pizza Hut over 12 months


  • Creation of the first ever delivery pizza industry loyalty program.
  • Program strategy and rewards structure
  • In market testing
  • Buyer database analysis
  • Launch strategy and execution
  • Extensive financial modeling
  • Retail sales database development, processes and controls
  • Extensive reporting and analysis to continually optimize incremental sales and profitability
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