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Nurturing Knowledge


Nurturing Knowledge: A Strategic Approach to Knowledge Management

In the creation of a Center of Excellence (CoE), where a seasoned expert leads the way to solutions, establishing and maintaining a robust knowledge management system requires careful planning, leadership, and a commitment to continuous improvement.


Follow the Trail: Creating Rituals and Processes

In the realm of Knowledge Management, leaving a knowledge trail for others to follow is critical. It's about establishing a roadmap that ensures everyone starts on the right path, stays on course, and contributes to improving the journey for others. Much like trailblazing along a hiking path, organizations must implement practices that facilitate the smooth transfer of knowledge across teams.


Performance Brief: Fostering a Culture of Experimentation

One effective ritual to adopt is the Performance Brief. This is designed to encourage everyone in the team, not just leaders, to think in terms of experimentation. Its meant to be simple and additive to the briefs you already have in place. The brief includes:

  1. Champion:
  2. Identify the current champion piece, which could be the last communication sent.
  3. Gather key performance indicators (KPIs) from the latest deployment of the champion.
  4. Document what you know about the Champion’s latest performance. If you don’t know, state that so your team will know next time.
  5. Challenger:
  6. Propose changes in the creative to outperform the current champion. These can be very simple changes such as headline challenges to minimize impact on creative resources.
  7. Establish a testing hypothesis, in other words, “why do you think the proposed changes will beat the current champion?”
  8. Outline your next testing opportunities.


Weekly Status: Integrating Tests-in-Progress

Enhancing the weekly status meetings by including a "Tests-in-Progress" section encourages a broader perspective. This section covers for each test in progress:

  1. Learning objectives
  2. Test deployment/execution progress
  3. In-market date
  4. Anticipated "first read" of results
  5. Expected completion of final reporting


Monthly Learning Agenda Review: Cross-Functional Collaboration

Led by a CRM strategist, the Monthly Learning Agenda Review fosters cross-functional learning, collaboration, and ideation. This session is not about reviewing charts and tables but interpreting the insights gained. Key agenda items include:

  1. Review of tests in progress and their hypotheses.
  2. Champion vs. Challenger learnings over the past month.
  3. Implications of the learnings for future strategies.
  4. After-action reviews as necessary.


Disseminate and Democratize Knowledge: Overcoming Pushback

A critical success factor in creating a CRM/Analytical Center of Excellence is the dissemination and democratization of knowledge. The Monthly Learning Agenda Review must include representatives from every functional area, including account, strategy, creative, project management, analytics, and execution. The pushback against this inclusive approach must be overcome for sustainable execution of the CoE and continuous improvement.


Creating a knowledge management framework, ensures that the organization will evolve to your vision as well as continuously improve. By leaving a trail of knowledge for others to follow, implementing effective rituals and processes, and democratizing knowledge, you will create a resilient and evolving CRM Center of Excellence.

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